” I AM” is with me.

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NLT

I have a ten month old daughter who is my joy and miracle from God. Fear went to a new level the day I brought this precious package home ten months ago.   She has been sick a lot this first year with many colds and viruses common to these little ones. I wish I could say I have handled these sicknesses bravely but each one has tested my faith and my thoughts have always immediately gone to the worse case making  new mom challenges that much harder on myself and everyone around me.

Recently I told a friend that I ” have no point of reference as a first time mom.”  I have noticed a common thread for most moms with more than one child, they seem to relax more with each subsequent child, at least with some issues   having experience to fall back on. This has been my excuse to remain afraid. I have not been here before. Everything is new.

However, what I have believed is a lie.  God does not ask me to rely on experience as experience is no predictor of the future. His command is clear. When faced with a fearful circumstance I have a choice to make, a choice to follow God’s command……. to not be afraid or to look away from God …and choose fear.

The truth is “ I AM”  is with me. Always.  I don’t have to rely on experience, mine or someone elses. She is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.  I don’t have to Google all of the answers looking for something, anything to bring me peace, In truth it never will.   “I am “ is with Me, and that is truly all I need.

Lord, help me to rest in that truth today.  Amen.